
The HSM-Team

Schöner - Projektmanagement
Schöner - Spaßbild
Project Management

Wilfried Schöner

The man you can depend on.
Meermann - HR Manager

Leni Meermann

The woman who is looking for superheroes.
Wagner Lena
Wagner - Spaßbild

Lena Wagner

The woman who can not be without coffee.
Sasaran - Verwaltung
Sasaran - Spass
Administration & Accounting

Stephanie Sasaran

The woman who likes to go shopping.
Wechsler - Strategischer Einkauf
Wechsler - Spaßbild
Strategic Purchasing & IT Administrator

Stefan Wechsler

The man whose humor is like a lake on a windless day - flat.
Wälzlein - Qualitätsmanagement
Wälzlein - Spaßbild

Peter Wälzlein

The man you call when there's a fire.
Zwack - Unternehmensentwicklung
Zwack - Spaßbild
Company Development

Thomas Zwack

The man who knows the market, god and the world.
Seifert - Vertrieb
Laura Seifert - Spass

Laura Seifert

The woman who doesn't just step on the gas at work.
Kührlings - Einkauf
Kührlings - Spaßbild
Head of strategic purchasing

Hans Kührlings

The man who came from the West to stay in Bavaria.
Reichel - Verwaltung
Reichel - Spaßbild

Melissa Reichel

The woman who always has an open ear.
Apicella - Vertrieb
Apicella - Spaßbild

Isabella Apicella

The woman who always has an ace up her sleeve for you.
Y. Federmann - Export Porträtbild
Y. Federmann Spaßbild Motorrad

Yvonne Federmann

The woman who could win the world betting championship.
Schroll - Logistik
Schroll - Spaßbild

Marc Schroll

The man you want to have as a son-in-law.
Tütken - Vertrieb
Tütken - Spaßbild

Tanja Tütken

The woman everyone loves to talk to on the phone.
Der Mann, der auch Fußballprofi hätte werden können.

Carsten Przikling

The man who could also have become a professional soccer player.
Schubert - Qualitätsmanagement
Schubert - Spaßbild
Head of Qualitymanagement

Christoph Schubert

The man who has the perspective.
Lettenbauer - Projektmanagement

Wolfgang Lettenbauer

The man whose tools are words.
Sommer - Vertrieb
Sommer - Spaßbild

Marcel Sommer

The man who is currently also under power at home.
Kaiser - Putzfee
Kaiser - Spaßbild
Cleaning fairy

Gerlinde Kaiser

The woman who is the good soul of the house.
Kowanda - Vertrieb
Kowanda - Spaßbild

Kevin Kowanda

The man who is ready for any fun.
Portrait Ch. Hirsch - Vertrieb
Christian Hirsch Spaß Bild beim Tennis spielen mit Handtuch und großem lachen
Head of Sales

Christian Hirsch

The man for the daily motivation boost.
Portrait Niels Indefrey Leitung des Export
Spaßbild Herr Indefry mit Grillzange in der Hand und Kochschürze an
Head of Sales

Niels Indefrey

The man for the most complicated cases.
Portrait Herr Xaver Hofmann Senior Geschäftsführer
Spaßbild Herr Xaver Hofmann mit Golfschläger auf der Schulter

Xaver Hofmann

The man without whom HSM wouldn't exist.
Portrait Bild J. Heesch - Vertriebsassistenz
Spaßbild J. Heesch mit gemalten Bild in der Hand und Pinseln in der anderen

Jaqueline Heesch

The woman whose creativity is close to madness.
Hofmann Christine Marketing Portrait
Hofmann Christine Spaßbild Keltern mit Schuhen über der Schulter

Christine Hofmann

The woman who thinks visually.
Karl R. - Verwaltung & Fibu
Administration & Accounting

Renate Karl

The woman who never loses sight of her goals.
Kempfer - Verwaltung & FiBu
Kempfer - Spaßbild
Head of Administration & Accounting

Silvia Kempfer

The woman to whom taxes come easily.
Nirsberger - Vertrieb
Nirsberger - Spaßbild

Norbert Nirsberger

The man who scores with life experience.
Grossmann Laura Auszubildende Portrait
Großmann - Spaßbild
Apprenticeship office management

Laura Großmann

The woman who has petrol in her blood.
Stefan Fürmann Logistik Porträtbild
S. Fürmann Spaßbild Reisen mit Globus in der Hand
Head of Logistics

Stefan Fürmann

The man who calmly faces the stress.
Haggert Frank Projektmanagement Porträtbild
F. Haggert Spaßbild

Frank Haggert

The man who knows: You can't swear by the engineer!
Hiller Marlene Auszubildende Portrait
Hiller - Spaßbild
Apprenticeship commercial specialist

Marlene Hiller

The woman who loves to travel.
Hofmann Inge Porträtbild
Administration & Accounting

Inge Hofmann

The woman who keeps track of everything.
A. Kozuscanic - Vertrieb Porträtbild
A. Kozunscanic Spaßbild Football mit Ball in der Hand

Alex Kozuskanic

The man who lifts a lot of iron and steel.
Ch. Gilch - Logistik Porträtbild
Ch. Gilch Spaßfoto Sommer mit Handtuch über der Schulter

Christin Gilch

The woman who takes everything beyond the limits.
J. Hofmann - Geschäftsführung Porträtbild
J. Hofmann - Spaßbild Volleyball mit Volleyball in der Hand und Badehose an

Jörg Hofmann

The man who is always one step ahead.
D. Accardi Logistik Porträtbild
Spaßbild D. Accardi Wendegugge mit Trommel und Schlägern

Dennis Accardi

The man who is bored with standard.
D. Bachhuber - Azubi Porträtbild
Training wholesale & foreign trade management

Dennis Bachhuber

The man who can only find peace with music.
J. Hofmann - Geschäftsführung Porträtbild



“We work in the interests of our customers, managing everything from the procurement of raw materials to more complex needs. We can offer you a total concept consisting of planning, procurement, certification, performance, monitoring, quality assurance and financing – all from a single source.” 

HSM®- since 30 years successful expert for steel


Foundation of HSM Stahl- und Metallhandel GmbH with headquarters in Roth


Construction and move into the company's own building, headquarters Georgensgmünd


Successful implementation of certified quality management EN ISO 9001:2008


Introduction of the "paperless office" - Fully electronic order management including archiving


Extension building at the Georgensgmünd site for up to 50 employees


Confirmation of suitability for quality assurance in accordance with safety standard KTA 1401 (certification for nuclear power plants)


HSM® is registered as a trademark


The management team is expanded by Jörg Hofmann


TÜV certification according to EN 9120:2010 (aerospace)


HSM® celebrates its 30th anniversary


What sets HSM® apart

The decision to work for the company HSM® means at the same time to carry joint responsibility and to actively shape the events in the company. This is also how the company’s mission statement was jointly developed and presented to the outside world. Our daily actions are aligned with our MISSION. Our daily goal is the VISION. To ensure that we all pull together, our mission statement defines our fundamental values and principles.

Keyvisual Material supplier and System provider

Our Vision

“Our customers do not have any problems with the purchase of steel, metal and other high-performance materials.”

We want to win and keep satisfied customers through exemplary quality, reliability, service and friendliness. We expect the same quality standards from our suppliers that we set for ourselves.

Our statement

The HSM®-statement should be the basis for our work. We can only achieve our goals if we all share the same values and principles. Three pillars shape the statement of HSM®:





For the Customer we are far-sighted and innovative, have specialist knowledge and are constantly developing this further.

Collective STRENGTH

Teamwork is only possible through team awareness and strong communication skills. 

Curious DOER

Individuals are enthusiastic and committed, motivated and ambitious.


Donations instead of gifts

For years now, we have been following the motto “donations instead of gifts. This means that, especially at Christmas, our customers and business partners do not receive any gifts. Instead, we donate to charitable organizations and associations.


TSV Georgensgmünd Leichtathletikgruppe

Training jackets for first soccer team of SG Röttenbach-Mühlstetten

HSM® did not miss the opportunity and was happy to comply with the friendly request of a colleague regarding a sponsorship for the first soccer team of the SG Röttenbach-Mühlstetten. The team can look forward to new training jackets this season. “We are always very happy to support regional clubs, especially, of course, when employees are members themselves or get involved,” said Jörg Satzinger when handing over the jackets.
We wish them every success for the remainder of the season in the south district league.

Tennistrikot spende

New jerseys for the tennis men of the SG Großweingarten/Spalt

Together with Allianz OHG Mölleken & Pfuff, we were able to provide the men’s team of SG Großweingarten/Spalt with new jerseys. The newly formed team association expressed their sincere thanks for the personalized new team jerseys. Thanks to the great cooperation between the two clubs and an abundance of registered players, the Spielgemeinschaft is sending two men’s teams into the race this season.
We wish them a lot of fun and success!



Weisendorf elementary school is ready for homeschooling

HSM® and other companies donate 11 terminal devices to the elementary school in Weisendorf
Teaching from home is currently part of everyday life for most teachers and students. But at the beginning, the already unfamiliar situation was complicated by technical hurdles, because access to digital media is not sufficiently available everywhere. This is where HSM®, together with the companies biTma Solutions and Neumüller Elektronik, supports the students of the Weisendorf elementary school, who can now start homeschooling with the new laptops.



Regenjacke spende

Youth soccer team TSV Röttenbach

True to the motto “there is no bad weather, only bad clothes”, we are pleased to have been able to provide the youth team of TSV
Röttenbach with great rain jackets. So the boys can play and train even on rainy days.
We wish the little soccer pros continued fun and success!



Spende nach Afrika

Donation for children in need from South Africa

HSM® donated 500 € to the association “Ihr sollt Leben e.V.”. This association has been working for many years for children in need in South Africa – at this point a huge thank you to Thomas Zwack, who was on site with his girlfriend Stefanie and actively worked on projects. Stefanie completed a voluntary social year in South Africa after school. This contact coupled with their own drive led them to decide that they wanted to make a difference themselves.

Spende an eine Schule

Our donation goes to the booster club of the Dr.-Mehler-School Georgensgmünd,

which thus supports the educational institution financially, among other things, in fulfilling its dream project “Klicksalat” (
The campaign teaches elementary school children the basics of safe screen use so that addictive behavior, hate and incitement on the Internet, and false “friends” can be countered in good time. A great cause that we are very happy to support

Spende für den Kindergarten

HSM bag for little superheroes

Kindergarten needed support for their upcoming raffle at the Christmas market. With the gym bags and 150€ from HSM® we found a great way to support the children and their families.
We are happy to support a local initiative and make our contribution to the Christmas season.

Spende an einen KIndergarten

Nursery school Regenbogen is pleased about donation from HSM®.

HSM® donates a tricycle worth just under 400€ to the Regenbogen Protestant Kindergarten in Rittersbach.
Due to the Corona pandemic, the traditional stand of the kindergarten at the Georgensgmünder Christmas market had to be cancelled. This meant that an important source of income for such purchases was no longer available. Positive moments are especially precious in difficult times. So the children and educators/the parents’ council were all the more happy about the new tricycle.


Small overview about our customers and business partners